After the deluge of yesterday, today was a nice summers day. I thought that I would pop up for second helpings of the Lesser Grey Shrike to see how he has polished up, and I wasn't disappointed.
For those who think we are just manic 'twitchers', take a look at this bird. If you have the most moderate of interests in birds you must surely come and see this. In the evening sunshine the delicate hues of pink and dove grey were astounding. Easily Bird of the Year...
Now that he has dried out, the forehead is solid black, so it could be an adult male after all. Watched singing and munching on bumble bees, he well desreved a second visit...
..cracking pics Stewart... What camera did you use ?
Cripes. He scrubs up well.
What a beautiful bird. Great pictures.
Its not the camera ( or photographer) Gary, its the bird and the light. Tremendous.
Martin - Cheers, oh, you're talking about the bird....
OC - Thanks....
just dropped in yes great pics.
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