Above - 2 Brown Hares in the meadow.

Above - Gulls gathering on Longhoughton Steel.

Above - Golden Plovers flying off.

Above - Gulls coming in.
A much better day today, mostly dry and mild with the odd light shower.
Bunty's walk was to the Boulmer north end this evening. I took the camera to photograph some plants that have had me pondering for a few days. In the end I didn't take the picture I wanted, because I'm still confused about their identity. The plants are either Lesser Meadow Rue or Sand Meadow Rue. I suspect that Lesser will win the day...
I found last years sole Pyramidal Orchid looking worse for wear. I think it has been trod on...
Watching the tide come in over the steel, some waders were gathered. 97 Oystercatchers, 2 Whimbrel, 3 Curlew and 22 Redshanks were typical mid summer fare, though 10 Golden Plover were a bit early ( or late?).
I believe that the 23rd June is the witches sabbath? Tomorrow is officially midsummer day ( not to be confused with the solstice that was Saturday)...its all down hill from here, I better start Christmas shopping....
Must admit since 'opening my eyes' pleasently surprised at the number of beautiful plants in the dunes up the this coast.
The picture of the gulls flying in looks like a group of planes. Great picture. Yep, it's all downhill now, days getting shorter, heading for winter again. lol
MZ and OC -
You might have detected a morose tone to that last post. I'll try and cheer up....I need a holiday ( again)....
Thanks ....
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