Above- Wren, Robin and Linnet unthinkable with the digi-scope...all at Alnmouth common.

Above - While taking the top pics, I thought this Willow Warbler was becoming agitated. I was almost standing on its nest! I carefully replaced the vegetation and moved away immediately...

Above - This Pheasant gave me a strange glance while leaving the Willow Warbler.

Hundreds of hirundines feeding above the waterworks carousels at Alnmouth...

Above - The bottom right hand Swallow was very different, with a russet belly. A well marked male. All the others were ordinary ...

Above - Digiscoped for a closer look. A good mix of Swallows, Sand Martins and the odd House Martin ( in the more distant shot further up).
Thanks to Roger Forster for the tips...
Stewart. That Swallow looks like it could be of the Mediterranean race "transitiva"
you'll become boring just like me. nice new toy.
You can also tell the lens is new.
I saw two very similar bright swallows with orangey/rufous underparts at newton pool this afternoon, reminded me of the American race....
The Swallow looks like the American Barn Swallow. Great pics; looks like a future investment for me at some point.
Thanks all...
Dean - Yes I considered the possibility of it being one of the other races, but it would probably need to be netted to confirm it. With a lot of species older males become much brighter than younger birds so its hard to call.
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