In the past I find April can be a month with a few Ring Ouzels, Black Redstarts, Firecrests and Great Grey Shrikes with odd things like Northern Bullies and Long eared Owls and the odd Wryneck backed by plenty of Grey continental Robins and returning Goldcrests.
Don't forget, easterly conditions on 23rd April 1995 dropped the male Red flanked Bluetail on to Holy Island..

I would like a twitchable Serin...
Yep I've had my eye on the weather too... fancy something for the weekend, I'd be happy with a black red on the patch.....
Mmmmm...... but then about a white spotted bluthroat or a great grey shrike !! That would be AWESOME.....
Not getting over excited tho...don't want to peak too early eh !!
May is nearly here, could do with this weather a few weeks time really... 8)
Set your sights a bit higher chaps - I'm going for a backgarden Bluethroat myself.
Now where did I put that Holy Island tide table....
Edit: Oops, I see NS has already predicted a Bluethroat.
That'll teach me to not to read stuff properly.
Wonderful sketch!
hoopoe at dru would do nicely....
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