Above - Small bib and blackish ear patch but grey in the crown, yellow at base of the bill...

Above - Top shows oddbod and his brownish rump, compare to the bottom pic of the grey rump on all the other male House Sparrows...

Above - Pale neck collar only on Oddbod...his crown is browner than the other males..

Above - Compare with bog standard House Sparrow male...

Above - Side shot showing collar again and the smaller white wing bar on median coverts compared to the broader bar on House Sparrow males.
The photos arent too good but you can see what I mean. Is it just a retarded fw male House Sparrow or a hybrid? A question that it is impossible to answer 100% but those ear coverts and the collar and the yellow bill base and the smaller size are too much of a coincidence to me.
And I dont really believe in the Hybrid theories as they often seem to be a get out clause for unidentifiable birds. Please leave me a comment if you have any ideas about this 'spuggy'. Cheers.
God, isn't February quiet....
could be 'reduced development'.looks like a dull but small house sparrow
I'd have gone 25% Tree Sparrow, 50% House Sparrow, 25% Sausage Roll. I might be lying about the sausage roll. Very surprised if there's not a bit of hybrid in that one.
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