Camberwell Beauty in my garden, 13th August 2002!
On the 13th of this month it will be five years since I found this Beauty in my garden at Stobswood. Only present for an afternoon what a pity I didnt have my digi camera then. My compact just doesnt do it justice. Even though I am first and foremost a birder, this is still the best rarity I've found. It'll be a while before I get another.
how long have you been into flowers & insects stew i have not taken a great interest myself so far but if i run out of british birds i may take it up dragonflys and damsolflies would be interesting for starters i suppose
i could check out my local patch
and garden i was thinking of building a pond in my garden as soon as the little one gets a little older and see what turns up.
on the birding front i feel my id skills are picking up and have seen some interesting birds up at castle island [my local patch]
i have started using a push bike
to view the island from the south as the views from here are much better and at low tide there are
vast areas of mudbanks which attract some decent waders recently ive had 2 green sandpiper barnacle goose 3 spoonbill 3/6/07 after that single bird on the 24/5/07 & grasshopper warbler.
the sight always has a large gull count and sooner or later a rarity will turn up amongst these.
do you have any sketches of green sandpiper these are one of my favourate waders thanks foggy.
Hello Chris.
I've always been into all sorts of things. I used to catch butterflies as a small child, before the birds came to the fore so they are quite deep seated really. You'll see from the top profile that I have now been birding for 34 years + ( I used to wander the local lanes around Ulgham with your Nigel when we were kids, I remember seeing my first Goldcrests and Whitethroats when I was about 9!)so it will be some time before you 'run out'. I am still pleased with the birds I see locally even after all these years.
Keep up the patch watching, your Castle Island list might slow up after the 200 mark!
Are you after a Green Sand drawing? Let me know, I'm sure I could sort something out...
if you could just put a green sand
on my on your website that would do
200 thats a big total i cant see me getting anyware near that many
as the sight is inland and that means very few seabirds these can be found further east at cambois and sandy bay area if anybody has seen 200 thats unbelievable.
that probably a lifetime of birds.
my patch list includes wansbeck riverside park area from the sheepwash bridge up west along to the weir.
Yes Chris you're probably right, 200 is a bit ambitious, Sooty Shearwaters etc will be hard to come by at Castle Island. The Boulmer List so far stands at 206, of which I've had 184.
Email me directly on stewartsexton(at)btinternet.com you can let me know what you reckon your possibilities are for your patch.
Cheers, Stewart
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