Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Ross's Goose Conundrum...

 During the hard winter of  2010,  on 3rd December I had an adult Ross's Goose drop into the field behind the Bathing House ( the White front field of recent weeks), Howick, Northumberland with 40 Pinkfeet and 5 Barnacle Geese. They only stayed for a short spell before heading off south again. This Ross's Goose had also been seen at Low Newton Pool on 29th November. 

Back then they were not accepted as wild birds so I did not write it up, however it was still recorded in Birds in Northumbria 2010, the annual report for the county in the section 'Birds of Unknown Origin'.

In that paragraph it is believed to be the same bird as that with Pinks at Doddington from 8th - 16th November which seems very plausible to me, but...

On checking the British Birds Report on Rare Birds 2023 Vol 117 Page 673 this bird is referred to as Bird N. See below - 

You can also see then that Bird N was in Norfolk at Burnham Market from 24th November 2010 to 16th March 2011 returning back to Doddington on 28th March 2011.. 

So there is a discrepancy here. Our bird cant be two places at once? How can the same bird be in Norfolk from November but in Northumberland in December? 

Two birds involved here... I might write it all up and submit it.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Local Patches with cake.

 I've mentioned before my new found use of the eBird app and site online. If nothing else it is a good way to focus the mind, particularly on quieter periods and in a local context.

Now that I am getting more used to it, I try to plan the month ahead, loosely, using the app to do more recording and list management. Here at Howick the plan is to get a full list of species counted maybe once a week, while adding extra species as needed on other days. This will ensure common species aren't overlooked in the quest for the cherry on the top which can often happen, and get records in at the same time. Its a win / win really.   

After taking advice from Ipin at Druridge, yesterday I've used one feature to set up local patches by linking known recorded sites within the patch.  This is a doddle and looks good. For example my own patch consists of 4 spots with in it - Craster, Cullernose Point, Howick Village and Coast, Howick Hall Gardens while the Boulmer patch is made up of Boulmer, Seaton Point and Foxton Golf Course. Both areas under 3.5 miles from home at the furthest point away.

 The majority of recording time is spent in these coastal areas with a lesser period, in better weather, at spots inland from here on moorland or forestry sites. I might even set up an 'Uber Patch' on eBird at sometime to see what all spots are like when linked.

As I am blabbing about Local Patches and Apps, the newly popular Bluesky platform, Twitter replacement app, has a feed called #Lowcarbonbirding that fits quite well with my latest fad. There are some interesting posts on there, often about local patching that had me thinking. It is surprising how many birders take on lengthy hikes in pursuit of ornithological goals. Distances of 15 km plus are quite regularly posted, on foot from home. I read these with mixed emotions varying from Wow! through Guilt to F. That! depending on mood. 15 km is a canny trek with birding gear too, that is time consuming if you add in stopping and watching slots. My walks are no more than about 5 km usually and that still takes a morning. Yesterday morning's amble was around Boulmer and up to Longhoughton Steel and back, a distance of 4.11 km. Sometimes we might double that on a good day.

My friend Alan, seems to know me a bit too I felt the need to reply...

 So far February has not been too productive on the art front, something I must try to address...

Since my last post there have been some pleasant seasonal changes. From 5th Song Thrushes began singing here on fine mornings, always a good harbinger of spring, that one. Skylarks began on the same day. Lovely.

Song Thrush

Our 6 Russian Whitefronts were still hanging on til yesterday when a farm worker and dog went through the field flushing them off. What might have been them were seen flying S at Hauxley, down the coast at lunchtime. I will check to see a bit later.

A pair of Gadwall on the pond were the first of the year coinciding with the end of the shooting season disturbances. Its not just the actual killing and lead shot that causes wildlife problems, the noise from a score of people beating and blasting shotguns through the countryside does nothing to help things. A Kingfisher was almost a daily sighting here last week.

A Woodcock flighting out to feed was nice one evening and at the same time the back field Barn Owls could be heard hissing, though they remain elusive. Some reasonable numbers of birds in the village fields included 37 Curlew, 45 Oystercatcher and 14 Yellowhammers. Best though was a Little Egret flying low, south, from our drive, a rare bird here.




Russian White fronted Geese

Yesterday our wander around Boulmer was in full overcast, cold and breezy conditions so there wasn't a great deal going on. An adult Mediterranean Gull was a highlight, plus another or the same Little Egret as above, 200+ Curlew, 11 Grey Plover, 14 purple Sandpipers, 50 Linnets, 2 Fieldfares and the first Gannets of the year with 10 birds moving N.

 I will end with some stats off eBird - 

My usual Howick - Craster Patch - 

YL- 80   Feb - 71

My village small area within the above, about 1.5 sq km - 

YL - 75    Feb - 59 

Boulmer with much less coverage -

YL- 64    Feb - 54


Monday, February 03, 2025

Russians arrive...

 Been keeping local recently after the flurry of county twitches earlier in the year.

As you can imagine, it has quietened off somewhat but there is still a few bits and pieces to keep the interest up. I'm also trying to use ebird for my patch birds as a way to keep up with a year list and to provide records that I might not otherwise have.

On the plus side, apart from an odd hurricane force storm, the weather seems to be better than last year too. By late Jan 2024 we were already up to Storm Isha ( they are named alphabetically) but at the same time in 2025 we only have Storm Eowyn...

So what has been seen....

Around the village, coast and pond, keeping a count of commoner species is a good thing to do. In this 1 sq km ( maybe 1.5 sq km) a flock of small birds in stubble comprised of 25 Yellowhammers approx, its hard to get them to sit still long enough, with 5 Reed Buntings and 65 Chaffinches, but no Bramblings this winter. Tree Sparrow numbers have declined too with usually only up to a dozen present. 55+ Linnets left the coast blackthorn roost this morning but arent feeding in with the stubble flock? and up to 12 Goldfinches present too.

A male Kingfisher is usually at the pond on days with better weather, sitting up along the back edge, fishing for sticklebacks.

An Alnwick Wildlife Group guided walk on the 18th added Fieldfare, Rock Pipits, Ringed Plover, up to 300+ Lapwings and 400+ Golden Plover while 7 Goldeneye were on the sea.

3 drumming Great spotted Woodpeckers were in the wood on 20th with a couple of Nuthatch and Treecreeper.

Short visits have been made to Boulmer and Craster over the last couple of weeks too where up to 18 Purple Sandpipers and 2 ad Mediterranean Gulls plus the resident hybrid Falcon still causing mayhem.

Without a doubt though, the highlight over the past week has been the presence of 6 Russian White fronted Geese in the field behind the Bathing House. A rare bird on my patch with only 3 previous records in 15 years and these are my first ones to be actually on the deck! Such a smart grey goose these are, well camouflaged in a field filled with molehills, they were all present and correct still this morning.