
Monday, September 16, 2024

The Woods for a change.

 Sunday's forecast looks calm and dry so with little prospect of any coastal migration we headed a few miles inland for a walk. The target was for a few late inverts and maybe some fungi and birds too. 

It was in a pleasantly quiet September light when we headed into the woodland track. As our route was going to be a circular I thought it might be a good time to have a go with the eBird App to record what we saw. It nearly went well too if there had been a full signal all the way around to map our walk. Instead it said we had done 0.08 miles. Actually we did about 3 or 4 miles. recording 35 species on route. The highlights being 19 Chiffchaffs, 3 Ravens,  2 Nuthatch, 8 Crossbill and 29 Siskins.

Of the few invertebrates encountered a nice Four spotted Orb Weaver located by John, was the day's best. This spider is quite common I believe further south but up here it is an upland species only...

Four spotted Orb Weaver

After tea back at the van we took another route out onto some old grassland to look for fungi. I wished we had more time as it was quite good and the sun came out. A short stroll had Blackening, Parrot, Meadow, Golden, Heath and Fibrous Waxcaps, St Georges Mushroom, Puffball, Fly Agaric and Woolly Milkcap.

Parrot Waxcap

Fibrous Waxcap

Meadow Waxcap

Possible Butter Waxcap will be more prepared next time.

Golden Waxcap

Likely Splendid Waxcap

Fly Agaric

Woolly Milkcap

Tawny Grisette

On  fine autumn day I do like a fungi foray. Next time I'll have a fieldguide and take more detailed photos to assist with ID. The Woolly Milkcap and Fibrous Waxcap were both new to me...

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