As most of the UK basks in some well deserved sunshine and warmth, there
is no such luck for us souls on the northeast coast. Friday was nice and clear
with blue skies and sun, but since then it has been 100 yard visibility with
thick fog, mist, haa all day this side of the A1. Combine that with a
blithering south easterly and temperatures struggling into double figures its
been a few days for watching Netflix rather than hunting for wildlife.
Since Bonxie Wednesday birding has been almost non existent but I have been
out and about. My notes reflect an apathy about it all.
Saturday 29th May
Cool sea fret all day.
In the Greenhouse were Walnut Orb Weaver and Tetrix denticulata. An Orange
Tip, male, was in the garden briefly.
Tetrix denticulata, only my second.
Sunday 30th May
Thick fog at home, but sunny west of Alnwick.
So thats where we went. A Cuckoo showed well on wires and over the road as we
arrived while 2 Barn Owls hunted the verges.
It finally warmed a bit at 11am bringing 6+ Green Hairstreaks, 50+ Common
Heath moths, 10+ Large Red Damselflies and 1 Small Heath on the wing.
Green Hairstreak |
Small Heath |
Large Red Damselfly
Bank Holiday Monday 31st May.
At home visibility 100 yards in fog and mist. Windy, cool. We headed inland
again to avoid the autumnal weather where it was 19 degrees and sunny.
Hedgley and Branton Pits near Powburn -
Highlight was a nice picnic in the sun but a few things were noted.
Little Ringed Plover 3, Gadwall several pairs, Four spotted Chaser 2, Saxon
Wasp 1 queen gathering wood for its nest, Blue tailed Damselfly, Common Blue
Damselfly, Small Copper 2, Orange Tip 1 .
Above - Saxon Wasp Dolichovespula saxonica
Common Blue Damselfly, teneral I think.
Dove's Foot Cranesbill |
If you don't already follow this blog, you might find it of interest. Howard is the warden at RSPB Rainham Marshes, and as keen on insects as birds.
Thanks Derek Ive added it to my side bar.