Now that all of my work time is spent at home I can record some birds and
wildlife on most days. Usually I would be away to the office during the hours
of daylight so blog posts would be thin on the ground, not least because I see
very little.
This week I have tried to have half an hour viz mig each morning, soon after
sunrise, just along the road, maybe 100 mtrs, from our house. This is
not a hill top, an escarpment or an island in the landscape, its just a random
bit of east coast that is 19 metres above sea level on a rise in the road. It
gives a clear 360 view thanks to the decimated intensively farmed surrounding
The view below is facing north along the coast road. Migrating birds seem to
follow the line of the road give or take a hundred metres so counting is
pretty straight forward.
Not a usual viz mig spot.
My timings and counts are below -
2nd November 0715 - 0745
Snow Bunting 1 S
Crossbill 6,4,6 16 S
Siskin 9,4 13 S
Goldfinch 15,9,6 30 S
Meadow Pipit 1 S
Redpoll 3,1 4 S
3rd 1530 - 1600
Whooper Swans 42,12,11 65 S
Didn't have time to count in the morning.
4th 0715 - 0745
Egret sp 1 S likley Great White Egret but no size comparison and bird
backlit in morning sun. 3hrs later a Great White Egret flew south at East
Chevington so it must have stopped on route?
Whooper Swan 10 S
Twite 4 S
by 10.30am -
Pink footed Geese 1800 S
Barnacle Geese 2 W
Skylark 13 S
5th 0715 - 0745
Brambling 5 W
Meadow Pipit 6 S
Siskin 1 S
Grey Wagtail 1 S
Song Thrush 4 new in.
Pink footed Goose all day total 2300+ S over our garden.
Crossbill 3 S
6th 0715 - 0830
Pink footed Geese 600+ S 6 N
Crossbill 10 N
Pied Wagtail 1 S
Whooper Swan 4, 9 13 S
Fieldfare 1 W
Song Thrush 2 W
Meadow Pipit 6 S 1 W
Canada Geese 50 N
Great spotted Woodpecker 1 S high dropped in to the farm, may
have been local?
Peregrine 1 imm low S.
7th 0850 - 0920
Little moving.
Meadow Pipit 2 S
Rock Pipit 1 S
Redwing 1 W
Fieldfare 10 W
Not big totals but its great to see the change over of birds moving
through our site. Soon it will be all over...
Some of those species, and those totals, over my garden would be unbelievable. Fancy swapping the odd Pink-foot and Whooper for a few parakeets?
ReplyDeleteDefinitely, I keep hoping for a parrot on the garden list...
ReplyDeleteMatter of time, they are in Newcastle already
ReplyDeleteIndeed, but the 40 miles leap north might be a bridge too far?