
Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Some Moths...

I thought that this was going to be my first year out of the 11 we have lived here that I might not record any new species in the garden. Whilst we have had some fine spells it has been largely cool with less moths than normal, but on a mild night on the 22nd July two new macros were almost side by side on the first tray. Not just new for the garden but both new for VC68 too!

Common Emerald, very rare in North East England and new for VC68 North Northumberland

The whole of Northumberland VC67 and VC68 status of Common Emerald before my catch.

The other one, I look for annually as it does occur more frequently in Northumberland than the Emerald, it is the Southern Wainscot.

Two shots of the Southern Wainscot including the forehead band plus the most recent distribution map of Northumberland. 

Also new for my garden was a micro, Gypsonoma dealbana. I thought I had recorded this species before but my MapMate never lies...

Gypsonoma dealbana

This puts my garden moth list at around 579 species. Certainly puts butterflies into context!


  1. Had no idea Common Emerald could be anything but. I guess I ought to start looking through that NMRS Atlas I bought ....

  2. Ive only ever seen one, in the New Forest. I get Light, Large and Grass Emeralds but Common, oh no...
