Can only mean one thing - more seawatching.
On a patch like mine with no good fresh water bodies to attract wildfowl and waders, seawatching is the single best way to boost a year list. There are always new species to be had and not necessarily ocean wanderers either.
This bank holiday period looked set to be a classic with a steady north air flow right through the weekend, so each day ( except today, Monday) had me sat out on Cullernose Point, waiting...
Unusually for 'my' site, other birders made an appearance. This helps immensely having several sharp pairs of eyes to pick up and guide to stuff I've missed. On the point up to 4 of us and one time from a pool of 6 were John, Mick, Mark, Ian, Keith and myself, with Ben in the mix at a different spot only half a mile away.
The bird list per day goes like this -
Friday 28th August 06.30 - 08.30am all moving North unless stated.
Sooty Shearwater 13
Manx Shearwater 24
Bonxie 15
Whimbrel 4 S 1 N
Scaup 1 female
Arctic Skua 3 S
Pomarine Skua 1 S
Skua sp 4 S
Grey Plover 1 sum plum
Common Scoter 4
Teal 1
Wheatear 1 on the rocks.
Manx Shearwater 24
Bonxie 15
Whimbrel 4 S 1 N
Scaup 1 female
Arctic Skua 3 S
Pomarine Skua 1 S
Skua sp 4 S
Grey Plover 1 sum plum
Common Scoter 4
Teal 1
Wheatear 1 on the rocks.
I had only been home 15 mins when Ben had a Leach's Petrel N. I was a bit
gutted at this, Leach's is a rare bird in Northumberland.
Saturday 29th August 06.30 - 10.30am
Bonxie 8
Arctic Skua 9 S
Great Shearwater 1 N called by Mark Eaton at 07.05 and on view for 5 mins. It
was distant but nicely lit against a grey sea and sky. Only my 2nd patch
Sooty Shearwater 18
Wigeon 38
Mallard 2
Teal 72
Common Scoter 5
Velvet Scoter 2 drakes
Goosander 1
Pale bellied Brent Geese 10
Red throated Diver 1 S
Sanderling 10
Knot 10
Dunlin 10
Whilst Great Shearwater is an excellent patch record, the Wigeon and
Sanderling were year ticks too.
Sunday 30th August 06.30 - 08.50am
More wildfowl today.
Red throated Diver 2 S 1 N
Wigeon 25
Teal 72
Common Scoter 29
Common Sandpiper 1
Bar tailed Godwit 1
Sooty Shearwater 12
Manx Shearwater 16
Pale bellied Brent Geese 4
Canada Geese 35
Peregrine 1 juv
Dunlin 1
Puffin 1
On all days there were good numbers of Gannets, Kittiwakes, Fulmars, Arctic,
Common and Sandwich Terns, all uncounted. Too many!
After the seawatch today we walked down the arboretum and back by the coast
path. It was very quiet with Sparrowhawk 1, Nuthatch 2, Willow Warbler 2,
Mediterranean Gull 1ad, Kingfisher 2 chasing around the shore at Rumbling
Eight hours seawatchingcompleted with a good few year ticks of varying qualities in the
Today was spent catching up on some gardening jobs and watching the insects.
There were 1 Peacock, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Wall, 1 Small Copper and 2 Large
Whites. 2 lovely Ruby tailed Wasp species ran around on our patio umbrella
cover. 50+ Meadow Pipits moved south over head.
Great seawatching ! Will be interesting if you can get an ID of your wasp...