
Monday, November 09, 2015


An impromptu day off work today to take our ageing Chinchilla to the vet to get his teeth looked at. At 10 yrs old, he is getting on a bit, maybe even 'long in the tooth!' So, £39 lighter, I brought him back home none the worse for his ordeal...

Wandering around the village today was generally quiet. A couple of small flocks of Pinkfeet flew S, a Fieldfare was sub-singing on top of the village cherry trees and there is a nice patch of Wood Blewitts are coming out below the village hall pines now... and thats about it really...


  1. Wood blewitts are supposed to be rather tasty?

  2. Hi Simon Yes but there are a couple that can be mixed up I think...The more I read the less likely I am to try any of them!
