
Saturday, August 22, 2015


Last night was warm and muggy with some drizzle and overcast skies. Ideal for a big moth catch. I didnt realise just how big though til this morning when I did the count. I had 1197 moths of only 48 species in one trap! A record count for me here.

Pity about it though was that it wasnt a pretty sight. The whole Robinson was choc-a-bloc with Large Yellow Underwings, a minimum count revealing 868 of the blighters!

However, a wade through them did produce some tasty records -

Great Brocade, only my second after one on 24th July 2011. A scarce migrant.

Archer's Dart. Annual here but only in odd ones each year. What a belter!
Butterbur. My 7th in 6 years, once believed to be almost uncatchable at light...


  1. Ah, the LYEs have arrived in force I see. Not pupular with trappers, is the impression I get.

  2. Well, we should be pleased that a species is doing well, and I am, but they are a bit of a pain in such numbers thats all :)

  3. Love the Archer's Dart and Butterbur is an interesting looking moth (I doubt I would catch one here but it could be easily overlooked!!

    I won't moan about my LYU's - compared to your total mine was paltry!!

  4. Bloody hell that's a lot, even though I have come to love trapping this amount would have freaked me out !
    Amanda xx
