
Friday, April 10, 2015

One for Mr Gale...

My first Patch Wheatears of the year were down the teepee track this evening. A male with two hens looked bound for Greenland to me, being a bold brassy well marked individual. Still no hirundines though, maybe this weekend will turn up some more summer visitors, but I feel that another week will be needed to gee things up a bit here...

My Surrey colleague, Steve, is doing better than me on the percentages scale. This one puts me on exactly 75%. Maybe a bit more for the PWC list as I had a slow year in 2014...I am thinking things might slow up on his inland patch while things hot up here in the autumn...

105. Wheatear 


  1. Still looking out for this bird, usually have seen one by now. Numbers are quite low to start of with. My photographed birds for this year are up to 68 now..
    Amanda xx
