
Monday, April 14, 2014

Evening Hares...

Some Brown Hares from this evening. As one runs past, a quiet 'purse of the lips' squeak and he stops, looks around to see what the noise was, and he's off again...if I had been a poacher, he may not have gone to box another day.


  1. Anonymous10:16 pm

    Nice photos but Ithink the hares should be treated as schedule 1 species and any info regarding there abode should remain with the finder

  2. Yes I probably agree. Points noted.

  3. Details now ammended...

  4. High Stewart, Thank you for following me on "rabbit house lane" but if you are partial to a bit of crocheting and sewing...! you are probable better of following my "Nature" Blog this is were all my findings from Birds to Trees come together.
    Love the photos of the Hares, have not seen any yet this year, but I do know were there are some.
    Amanda x
