
Sunday, December 22, 2013


I see today there has been a report of a 'probable' Steller's Eider in Lothian that flew off south.

Anyway, lets hope it ends up in Amble or Seahouses Harbour eating chips...

The mention of it today brought back a nice wave of nostalgia of the day in November 2000 when ADMc and myself took the unusual decision to go twitching up to Inverness-shire on a Saturday, rather than go on our usual day, Sunday. The birding gods looked down on us that day for sure, because as soon as dusk approached Mrs Steller's flew off shore never to be seen again. The Sunday twitchers dipped.

A supporting cast of 20+ Long tailed Duck, Hooded Crow and a few Crested Tits on Speyside, dusted with the first snows of winter made for an excellent day out. I must do it again sometime...



  1. Do me (and everyone else) a favour Stewart... collate all of your marvellous artwork and self-publish a book. It would sell like hot-cakes, especially if you incorporate the field notes. A rare talent you have there...

  2. Agreed. I'd ddefinitely buy it

  3. Sat 18th Nov 2000 was the day I saw it. Long twitch from Leics I can tell ye.

  4. Steve / Peter - Very kind, but I wouldnt have a clue where to start!

    Mark - Too right! I remember being at Loch Morlich looking at Crested Tits when some people had to get off as they were going to Coventry. I was so pleased I lived in Northumberland ....
    But, you can twitch the south coast. I've never done that.

  5. Hola stewart, te feicito por tu blog,esta muy conseguido,y pintas fenomenal.
    un abrazo;)
