
Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Nice day...

Today I had a walk to the lesser visited areas of the Howick patch, the north west ( check the map, right).

Above - The path in the left of this shot going across the turnip field is the north west boundary of this years recording area. In the background is Hips Heugh ( pronounced 'hyuff'), part of the Whin Sill a geological feature.

Above - The track along this field edge borders some mature trees, not quite a wood, more a belt. This is the western boundary.

Above - A winters view of our village. Facing east.

Anyway, the pics above kind of show the route I took this morning for an hour. Three species were added to the year list - Brambling, 1 flew calling from the copse next to the village, Reed Bunting, a male near the turnip field in the top image, and Nuthatch a nice male prospecting tree holes near the main road.

This afternoon in a change from the norm, I took the car along to Craster to check the far north ned, a new addition to my usual recording area. Straight away one of my target species in this area fell - Willow Tit. On feeders near a holiday chalet next to the tourist info car park. 2 Purple Sandpipers were in the car park and that was about it really. This end will come into its own during the migration seasons...

List now - 76 ( 83 pts)



  1. Stewart,
    It's nice that you still get Willow Tits. They are now extinct in Bedfordshire- in fact there hasn't been a cast iron record for over 3 years- it's a shame..........

  2. They are quite scarce here too Matt. Where I live we used to get Marsh Tit but not since 2010...
