
Friday, December 28, 2012

Busy busy busy....

Like buses, you aren't too sure what to plan for the forthcoming year when three come along all at once!

Firstly the patch birding competition is on regardless. Its what I do anyway, so no change there then. Then there's the 'Foot it' gig in January where birders have taken the wholly original and unheard of idea of birding their patch on foot for a month to see how many species they can get. I've no idea who first decided that was a good idea....

Now, there is this. 1000 in 1km.

The idea is to pick one square kilometre and try and find 1000 species of life within it in the year.

To me that's a big call, but my learned and experienced peers seem to think it possible. Now unless you are a knowledgeable botanist or entomologist I think most would struggle. Personally I am neither of these. I know birds, mammals, fish, butterflies, dragonflies and have started on moths but in my square this would only give me about 565. As for the balance, I see myself as having a basic grounding in the other orders of natural history but it is very basic indeed. The other 435 would need to be insects, flora, fungi, lichens, ferns, sea life etc etc most of which will take up a lot of time identifying back at home.

Oh well, you need to fill your time somehow so I might give it a casual shot...while birding of course...

My square - NU2517 to the left of the line and NU2617 to the right.

I've not a clue what is in here except Limpets...

There is a danger here of course...of being branded a total (even sadder) sad ba***** while trying to i.d midgies. And, if you can't include anything deliberately planted, that's all hedges and 99% of  trees out of the equation. This will need some clarification on what you can and cant have.

More pondering required.


  1. Learned Birding Guru - this patchwork challenge sounds interesting. Where do I get the ground rules?

  2. Anonymous9:49 pm

    I might do a bio-blitz in/from my garden...seeing that that`s where i spend most of my time now.

  3. Hi LB long time no hear...there is a link to the Patchwork blog on my right hand column. Have a look on there and make contact, you need to be quick!

    Aye that would be good Dean. Did you know about Jennifer Owens book 'The Ecology of a Garden: the first fifteen years'. She recorded 7,000 species in hre Sheffield garden over that period. Google her and have a look...

  4. Anonymous7:06 am

    I do know about that book Stewart...and what an amazing total of species.
    Although i know i`ll struggle with putting names to some of the species (like Flies etc)...i`ll still give it a whirl.
