
Sunday, November 04, 2012

A late patch list addition...

As autumn slowly merges into winter, new species on the patch seem very hard to come by. So, when I came home at lunchtime today, I was very pleased to see a small party of Waxwings fly up into some tall trees, from a neighbours garden.

After a short sojourn calling and flycatching, the four glided back down into the gardens, and in particular, on to an over ripe apple tree. Here they got stuck in for a while alongside the immigrant Blackbirds, before some kids came out to play on a trampoline. Even tame Waxwings cant stand that. They flew off strongly to the south...

This is the third year in succession I have had waxers on the patch list. I can remember when 'Wawing Winters' were very scarce indeed, now they occur most years in variable numbers.


  1. I was looking for them today but there are few decent berries around the town centre, delightful sight

  2. I'm going to have to get some apples and put them on sticks at Druridge!

  3. Wonderful :) and well done Stewart. Keeping my eyes peeled here!

  4. Nice one Stewart, got my apples staked out in the garden Elder tree, unfortunately it's only 10 meters from the neighbours trampoline!
