
Monday, August 06, 2012


Stilt Sandpiper, from memory, after snapping my pencil in last nights panic...

When you get a phone call from Gary Woodburn at 8pm on a Sunday evening, its best to hope that you haven't started that second glass of wine...

Tonights call from a plainly incredulous Gary, said that I should get in the car and head to Newton...why? I asked...Stilt Sandpiper...on the scrape....NOW!

I hung up first, and made excuses to my brother, sister-in-law and Jane who was making the dinner and legged it to the car. I managed to call a few interested parties before the off and arrived at Low Newton about 10 minutes later. That jog from the Tin Church to the scrape is just the job in a state of panic, dragging scope and the weight of a county first with me.

No need for haste though, Gaz was cool, standing glued to the bird, now feeding a hundred metres away with Greenshank and Redshank. Apparently it had flown off twice, only to do a lap of the area an drop back in again.

With still good light, we enjoyed the bird to a backdrop of wheezing as myself and a few other arrivals gathered our breath back ( birders are getting older). The bird, an adult in breeding plumage, probed around in a relaxed manner before having a preen and settling down for the evening.

I wonder if this is the same individual that was at Lodmoor RSPB same week last year? I bet it is you know...Regardless, this, the bird of the year in Northumberland so far, will take some beating. A county first, as you would expect, and a fantastic one too.

Takes me to 327 for the county, the first new species since last years Greater Yellowlegs...

Cheers Gary!

[Tuesday edit - Looking at videos of the bird it is much paler from the front than I depict here. My impression was of a much darker bird, but it was excuse anyway...]


  1. super sketches Stew and good to see you

  2. Anonymous2:58 pm

    thanks for the call S--I owe you another one-what a fantastic bird-cheers-hope to see you soon

  3. Nice bird to add to your County list Stewart :-)

    PS: dont know if Craster is anywhere near you Stewart, but my missus and her friend are staying there this week. They are visiting Holy Island and doing some Seal/bird watching - look out for two very short ladies!

  4. Cheers Alan.

    Andy - Yes must get a day out, Autumns here!

    Warren - Craster 1 mile on foot from here! South along the shore and Bobs your preverbial...Get them to look out for a snappy terrier...I'll have the dog too! Oh, they may not have a signal in Craster, reception is dismal...

  5. Thanks for legging it over so swiftly to confirm that I wasn't losing my marbles !!

    Out of breath birders actually running for a bird at Low Newton, something I never thought I would ever see. Won't be forgetting that in a hurry ! 8-)

  6. The thanks is all mine Gary, you keep finding I'll keep supporting ;)

  7. Stewart,
    your right no signal from Craster :-(

  8. Super sketches from memory - is this part of a journal you keep, it's great!
