
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Today Part 2....

This afternoon reached a mad 17 degrees. A summers day in February.
In the Village Wood, a sallow was covered in Honey Bees and a single Buff tailed Bumble Bee. A Red Admiral was my first butterfly of 2012.

Into the Pond Field, the track was peppered with Toads, 70+ with more in the pond. 90% seemed to be squeaking males. 

 The one above tried to death grip me into submission but failed...

The newly cleared channel into the pond seemed to be the favourite spot for the amorous amphibians. On the way back, 4 Frogs were in a ditch, only the second time I have seen Frogs here in three years....


  1. The toad has you in a death grip does it Stewart? I think its intentions are far more - ahem - amorous...

  2. Great photos Stewart - lovely to see and read about signs of Spring.

  3. Hand in amplexus!

  4. Steve - He even looks like he enjoys it...

    Caroline - Cheers

    Jerry - I feel violated....
