
Friday, February 17, 2012


A week ago I took this spider from our kitchen ceiling. It had been there since before Christmas with its small web in the corner. I thought it might need better 'habitat' and placed it in the shed.

Anyway, after a quick scan on the internet, it is, I think, a species called Zygiella x-notata or the Missing sector Orb Web Spider.

The gobful of a name intrigued me so another five minutes on't'internet gave away the secret of its unusual name. It is an orb web builder like the garden spiders we all know, but this species is one of a group that leaves a segment out of the 'orb web'. I have seen this before but thought the web had just been damaged.You live and learn....

See the missing sectors....


  1. Facinating Stewart. I would of thought the Web was a 'friday' built web :-)
