
Sunday, January 08, 2012

Larophiles look away now.

This morning I had a walk from home, down the Long Walk and back via the coast path. About a dozen of so birds were added to the 2012 list with the best being a few parties of Crossbills including one male in song, a pair of Red breasted Mergansers, a few Bullfinches and 5 Nuthatch. I'll total it up tomorrow.

After a cooler, breezy, start the wind dropped and it turned into a mild pleasant day so we took a drive up the coast with Bunty and had a walk on Stringer's beach at Beadnell. No other people were around  so a few waders were pushed up by the high tide - 5 Bar tailed Godwit, 2 Grey Plover   and a bunch of Oystercatchers while another 3 Red breasted Mergansers fed close in on a calm sea.

Lunch was at Seahouses Harbour where there were no white winged gulls, but this pair gave us a laugh next to the car.

I can just hear Mssrs Tilmouth and Garner and  Dave the Earl Grey cursing my very amateurish attitude with these birds...not once did I check the P10 tip pattern let alone the gonys shape...but their dance after some chips was as good as being at Seghill Tip thats for sure! 


  1. I've lost interest in Gulls Stew, I prefer tips that are grassed over and planted with a few trees to attract some real birds!

  2. Nice one Nigel. I keep looking, but cant get around to scanning thousands that look like wallpaper patterns for a single feather to indicate a race. After all that time, you can still be wrong!
