
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

We've got wind.

As I write this, it a tad breezy outside.

When I say 'breezy' I mean its a  'we'll be lucky to have chimneys in the morning' type of wind.

I have just had to wedge the telephone box door closed with a short railway sleeper as it was smashing open against a stone wall, rocking the whole box. Outside I can hear a neighbours shed rattling and banging. Its one of those metal constructions and it  sounds like a drum beat in the wind. I hope the damage doesn't cost too much....LATE UPDATE - 9.30pm - Just been outside and the neighbours shed is totalled. Its flat and half way up a tree! Not bad for an 8 x 12 ft building. According to the Met Office observations at RAF Boulmer, winds here are gusting 75 mph and blowing a constant 50 mph. Worrying thing is that the pressure is still falling? Does that mean its getting worse?

Off work today, on leave, to get some shopping done. Out with Bunty along the coast path, a lone Purple Sandpiper was with three Oystercatchers, and one of our Tree Sparrows stunned itself on the window trying to evade Sparrowhawk capture. After a passport photo, it flew off strongly none the worse for wear...


  1. You realise that everyone under 30 is now scratching their heads thinking 'what the dickens is a telephone box?'

    Did you not bother with the Wheatear sp at Boulmer then ?

  2. I didnt have time Alan. It would mean a walk from the Seaton Point steps around right to the village, so the light is behind you. Who had 'wheatear sp' anyway? Either its a Northern or not?A desert wheatear is straight forward in flight, being, at least, nowt like a Northern. Pied might be a bit trickier...

  3. Ahh that's just a breeze, had an 80mph gust blow up the Bristol Channel last week.... mind you today it is horrendous gales with driving wet snow followed by flat calm weather and blue skies. Weird, but invigorating.
