
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Only a couple of things around about today, 1 male Siskin on our feeders was the first since the spring, 15 Redwings were in the village copse and a good flock of 5 Purple Sandpipers were on the Rumbling Kern.

I had no sign of Ian Douglas's Hooded Crow at the Haven, but it might still be around so I'll keep checking. Wednesday's elusive caller remained in hiding, so we'll just let that one drop, and assume it was a Coal Tit...

So, here's wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas 2011.



  1. Anonymous4:41 am

    Merry Christmas to you too, Stewart. Have a good un.

    Regards the bird call, were you thinking a type of (eastern) Warbler ?

  2. merry chritmas stewart, lets hope your crested tit shows today!

  3. Dean - You are right on the money there Sherlock!

    MJP - No not Crested Tit, now that would have induced a panic attack! See Dean's comment above...

  4. Anonymous5:50 am

    Elementary, my dear Sexton ;-)
