
Friday, November 04, 2011

Patch Tick!

But dont get too carried away.

Yesterday while I was wandering along the road in our village something moved among the fallen leaves....Common Frog! Oh yes, it may not have you lot grabbing the camera and running for the car, but in the 2 years 7 months we've been here this is my first. Toads are the thing here. Common, particularly in spring, and the odd Smooth Newt but the humble lowly Frog is as rare as, as rare rare as a Fox thats for sure. Maybe not quite. Fox would be a new one for me here.

I have no idea why Rana temporaria should be scarce here. We have ponds and ditches for them as well as damp boggy areas but, despite looking, they are now where to be seen....

As for Fox, I know exactly why they are rare...


  1. Anonymous6:22 am

    "As for Fox, I know exactly why they are rare..."
    Don`t we all, Stewart.

    You sound almost as excited about the Frog, as when Warren had his first patch Coot ;-)

  2. :) yes I was! I've looked for them for ages and couldnt believe there weren't any. A Coot though would get me going too. Its years since one was here....
