
Thursday, September 01, 2011

Around about...

Theres a distinct lack of illustration on here at the mo, must do better....

Any way, todays dog wanders around the village and coast path had -

Meadow Pipit 17 S in 20 minutes first thing.
Sandwich Tern 4+ offshore.
Common Tern 1 offshore.
Whimbrel 3 N at sea and some whistling, unseen, inland from our drive.
Arctic Skua 1 hammering a kittiwake offshore.
Sparrowhawk 1 female ( I see there was a Gos at St Mary's Island today. I wonder what that was...)
Jackdaw / Rooks 600+ in back fields.
Still plenty of Swallows and House Martins.
Theres a canny Starling roost building in my next door neighbours four conifers recently. There might be 100+ birds? Not exactly the smoke waves of the Somerset Levels, Dumfries or Brighton Pier, but, you know...I'll try and get a count at the weekend.

I might do some proper birding this weekend, using the scope and everything...


  1. I was birding round the back of your house yesterday ! Lots of whitethroat and flosc activity in that nice hedge, quite a few mipits too....

  2. Good hedge isnt it. Dare I say it, Hawfinch in there last Oct with 3 Ring Ouzels.

  3. Anonymous5:11 am

    "using the scope and everything..."

    Don`t know why, Stewart, but that last part of your last sentence, didn`t half tickle me ;-)
