
Thursday, July 14, 2011

MEGA hoo ha!

Mega alert the other day said Greater Yellowlegs, at some pool made of concrete. Now that woke me up. I missed the Solway bird a few years back so might have been keen to get this one. As the morning wore on it came on the pager again, now showing well. Showing well I say.

Then, after lunch a report came on saying Greenshank, showing well and gave the same on site parking instructions.

What is going on here? How the hell can someone, indeed some crowd, report GYL on at least 4 occasions before the realisation finally dawned on them that this was actually one of the commonest early freshwater passage waders of autumn.

Its amazing how many budding Kieth Vinnicombes are out there blubbing about scapular notches and emarginations, but a Greenshank SHOWING WELL might as well have come from Mars.

GRANK. Showing Well.


  1. Anonymous10:14 am

    And it`ll not be the last time it happens, Stewart.

  2. Shocking string. It would never happen in the midlands .... oh.

  3. Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh...........

  4. Just a wine whine lads!
