
Sunday, July 03, 2011


After hearing that Mike Hodgson had a Hummingbird Hawkmoth in his garden the other day, I decided to keep an eye open at home. No joy on the flowers, after all these migrants are quite scarce in the north east, I mean this isn't Dunge or Portland...

So, at 5.30pm when I was about to take Bunty for a wander I opened the door into our porch to be greeted with an almighty buzzing and beating around the tomato plants. Thinking that the mother of all bumble bees needed to be released, I was over the moon to see this little hyper active critter bashing up and down the glass, having just come in through an open sash!

After a photo session It flew off faster than a racing pigeon high into the sky.

I think the person was right who said 'Everything comes to he who waits...'


  1. Well done on the hummingbird Stewart. I keep checking our garden - all to no avail. Must remember "Everything comes to he who waits....."!

  2. Anonymous10:53 am

    I also had one yesterday evening, Stewart. Didn`t get a shot at it though.

  3. I saw one for the first time last month in Norfolk, it was buzzing around a plant pot outside our acccomodation near Titchwell, I couldn't believe how much it actually looked like a Hummingbird!

  4. Still think they look like furry flying crayfish. Birds don't usually have a 'crayfish' tail.

  5. Ive been following the recent sightings of Hummingbird Hawkmoths in the North East with great interest Stewart, especially after my dad saw one in my Grandma's garden in Sunniside a week ago. They're stunners aren't they.

  6. Cheers all, cant beat a bit of luck I say...
