
Friday, June 03, 2011

Didn't we have a luvverly time the day we went to...

...Carlisle. If its good enough for Lady Gaga, it'll do for us.

The weather forecast today said it was going to be a hot'un, so without further ado, a Flexi day was booked and we were off on a jolly!

After picking up the chaps, we ploughed on, west, towards our target species. First off, into the woods where a large damp field proved to be just the job...

Searching and searching, we looked high and low....

But for some, the quarry was elusive.

While for the rest of us...

..Marsh Fritillarys were all over. At least 20+ were seen in a hundred metre stretch, alongside good numbers of Small Heath. The Marsh Frits were a new butterfly for me and what views we had of these stunners.

Then it was time for lunch and a nap (the heat can take it out of you when you get to our age) ...

... before we headed off to the next stop where a very rare dragon was on offer.

...Over a dozen White faced Darters put on a good show but were tricky to get perched up as they dazzled about often being harried by larger Four spotted Chasers. If you have read this blog for a while you may remember that I posted about these cheeky little chappies a few years back, but you cant get too much of a dragonfly with looks like this.

Then it was off home so that Bird Guides could be up and running ( just a shade late, but it was a quiet afternoon) and we can all peruse our pics at leisure.

A great day out with some great company and crack. Roll on the next one.

Click on the images for a bigger view.


  1. Love the white face on the dragonfly, Stewart. Looks like a great day out was had by all.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Cheer Emma, one of those days when everything falls into place...

  4. Littel stunners those W F Dragonfly Stewart, shame there aren't any here :-)

  5. Anonymous6:33 pm

    Nice one, Stewart. The nearest Marsh Frits to me are in Lincolnshire.

  6. Got to love a flexi day & what a great way to spend it. Ive yet to see a Marsh Fritillary, here's hoping! Linda
