
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm a dad!

Well not really, what I mean is, the Tree Sparrow's fledglings were on the garden wall when I came in from work. There were two of them next to a family of House Sparrows, while a brood of Starlings ransacked the birdbath. Its like a creche not a garden.

Tree Spug chick with another one pitching in...
Last night, the Barn Owl was hunting out the back right up to our garden wall, only  7 or 8 meters from the kitchen window. You guessed, when the camera came out it made off to the back hedge and wasn't seen again.


  1. Anonymous9:33 pm

    Good news regards the Tree Spuggies, Stewart.

    Regards fledgling Starlings. I`ve lost count how many times i`ve cleaned my birdbath out over the last few days. The amount of shite (literally) that they deposit in it, beggars belief.

  2. Anonymous9:46 pm

    Congratulations on the happy event. Not so glamorous as tree sparrows but I'm enjoying watching two broods of house sparrows exploring our garden at the moment

  3. Congratulations on the Tree Sparrows, Stewart. Its great watching the antics of all the young, recently fledged birds in the garden at the moment.

    Great news about the Barn Owl too.

  4. Thanks all.

    Dean - I'll check the bath in the morning.

    Paul - All spuggies are a joy to have around. A laugh a minute.

    Caroline - Isnt it. I've just mentioned that above. I like a flock of chattering House Sparrows racing around the garden up to no good, dust bathing, nipping crocus flowers or whatever...

  5. Congratulation on the happy arrival, Stewart.
