
Sunday, April 10, 2011

They're back....

...the Swallows that is. After seeing my first at Alnmouth this morning,  we had 3 at home later in the afternoon, a week earlier than last year.

With my broadband still disconnecting at will, and a speed of no more than 133 kbps, blogging is a bit time consuming hence the lack of posts this last week or more. I have not had a full 24 hour connection to broadband now for 23 days.

Not to be tempted by the Mark Toni's Warbler ( or whatever they call Subalpine Warblers now) or Western Wigeon, Avocets etc, we checked out a few local areas.

Alnmouth - Foxton

Sand Martin 30+, Swallow 1, Willow Warbler 2, Chiffchaff 2, Wheatear 1 , 14 Shelduck, 2 Snipe, Goosander 1 pair.

Greenrigg, R. Aln, Hipsburn -

Sand Martin 30+, Blackcap 8+, Chiffchaff good numbers, Grey Wagtail 1. Orange Tip 2, Peacock 3.

A few plants along the disused line here included Moschatel, Bugle and Primrose.

This afternoon was spent in the garden at home -

Siskin 1 pair on niger feeder, Yellowhammer 1 male on seed, Tree Sparrow 2, Grey Wagtail 1 s, Pink footed Goose 80+ N.


  1. You're beginning to sound like you've joined Broadband Anonymous "I've not had a connection for 23 days, it's been tough and I'm taking one day at a time"

  2. Great to hear the swallows are returning already and some great sightings you've had!

    hope you can get your Broadband connection sorted soon Stewart.. must be so annoying!

  3. great to hear the swallows have made it north. I was on the south Devon coast last Thursday a large number were streaming in over the cliffs from the English channel, as well as painted ladies. Great to see summer return after that winter.

  4. Matteo - Thanks
    Alan - Its hard. You get up on a morning and...
    Tricia - Swallows will be away again before this broadband is sorted....
    Andrew - I think I had a Painted Lady yesterday but it was too quick to see properly.
