
Sunday, April 03, 2011

Broadband Problems...

Hi all, I haven't moved or anything, its just that my BB is playing up. Its not my computer (tried another one) its not the sockets (tried both) its not the ADSL filters (got new ones)....

its BT! And I still have to wait until the 8th April for them to 'reset my IP' .

It could be sometime before normal service is resumed. I am typing this in the usual 1 hr window I get at this time each night. The other 23 hrs are dead.


  1. Anonymous7:38 pm

    Be strong,think positive,you will get through this!

  2. It's hardly surprising, living where you do!
    A long shot.... we discovered that my car immobiliser blacks out our wireless broadband - you never know....

  3. Ah come on Steve, thats below the belt, this is a metropolis! I went to that there London once, when I was 10.

    Wireless? Immobiliser? No idea...
