
Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Mr Tilmouth alerted me to this yesterday, in the latest edition of Birdwatching Magazine...apologies to the mag, I havent read it since Chris Dawn was editor many years ago...I have a sneaky peak in WH Smiths sometimes though.... ;)

Anyway, thanks to BWM for the plug!


  1. "Distinctive authenticity, very refreshing"
    Just about sums it up.
    Keep it coming.

  2. And I thought we were on first name terms Mr Sexton... frankly I'm surprised it took them this long to find you.

  3. Well done and well deserved!

  4. Anonymous5:54 am

    Your hits counter will be spinning at the rate that a gas/electric meter does, now Stewart ;-)

  5. .....and well deserved Stuart as one of the best blogs on the blogging community, always consistently high standards of posting right from the Boulmer Birder days. One day I hope to see your words and fabulous artwork in book form. Congrats

  6. I saw that Stewart, thought you'd have known about it :-)

  7. Ta all.

    Mr Tilmouth - I fancied the more formal approach on this revered occasion ;)

    Dean - I havent been looking at that for about a year or so now, I lost track. I might start again though.

    Andrew - I'll put you down for a free copy ...

    Warren - No, I didnt have a clue. Wouldnt you think they would have left me a comment or sent an email. Not to worry, I'm pleased they liked it.

  8. Nice summing up there stewart and bang on! You'll be in the press more than me soon!

  9. Well done Stewart, well deserved praise.

  10. A book deal coming up Stew??? that would be great. Deserved publicity

  11. Can I have your autograph.....Mr Sexton? ;0)

  12. And to think, I knew him when he used to walk everywhere, and he had masses of hair, can you remember him "Stewart THE Hair"?

  13. Ipin - divvent thinksee...

    Richard - Stewart the Kite now!

    Nige et al - Cheers, autographs only a quid ;)
