
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Waxwing Relegation....

Thank god for that. RBA Pager services have dropped the Waxwing to just local status. No more trawling through every single solitary half arsed Waxwing in the UK. I like some reports though - ie Gloucs 300+ Waxwings.....Derbys 121 Waxwings....Worcs 35 waxwings  etc etc until, 95 messages later, Cornwall. Waxwing 1 adult female. Showing well.

It shows how scarce they are down there by the amount of detail a single specimen recieves. But for Scotland and everywhere north of Watford they have been prolific this year. I had real worries that after scrolling through 50 Waxwing messages I might just miss the -  Lothian, Siberian Accentor 1 adult female, showing well...

So, whilst I do still like our crested creatures of the north, I dont want to know that theres an adult female in Truro. I'm just not interested. It costs me batteries....



  1. Simple solution..... bin the pager !

  2. One of these days Gary. I'm still contracted at the mo...
