
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Spring... a little bit nearer when I noticed a Chiffchaff feeding in the frozen typha stems at the pond this afternoon. It looked just like one of our own collybita so maybe it is just staying here over the winter, rather than being blown here recently on these NE winds.

 The pond itself is solid but I heard some mallard and teal in the wooded bit out of sight. The only other noteable sighting was a Woodcock that lifted from the roadside on our way back home.

I'm about fed up already of driving to and from work in the ice and snow, so I've taken the rest of the week as holiday. I just hope next week is a bit easier on the commute...

Now that the Capital is starting to feel the pinch, poor Cardiff isn't even getting a mention on the BBC....


  1. Funny I was thinking of posting a Spring is here post only last week to get in first (it gets earlier every year).
    Just how many holidays do you get, its no wonder my council tax is so high, if they restricted you to the same as the rest of us it would probably half.
    And finally the word verification for this comment is PINGU - the name of bloody penguin, fitting.

  2. At the minute, 33 days holiday (April - March) and up to 13 days Flexi (in reality thats about 5 days). Council Tax pays not one jot to my expert services. I am simply in the hands of our goodly rent payers, ie not you. :) Anyway, as far as holidays goes, you take some beating, you've been on leave for 2 years!

  3. Good man Stewart, taking the rest of the week off, chance for some more birding. Not much snow here in Bristol, but tomorrow I'm driving to WWT Welney (so far it's still on) to record swan things, lets hope the planned deluge of white stuff doesn't happen... but speaking of things spring like, at the NHU here in Bristol, the daffodils in pots are about an inch high.... brave things.
