
Saturday, November 13, 2010

One good bird...

Great White Egret, Alnwick. (pic thanks to Stef McElwee)

...deserves another, so this afternoon we popped down to see if the Great White Egret was still on river near Alnwick castle.

With not an optic or camera on me (no news this morning meant no bird, so this was just a shopping trip out...), we bumped into Stef McElwee who thought that the bird had been seen today. Luckily for us, the egret was about 100 yards west of the Lion Bridge, wandering about in the muddy river margins. We could get to within 30 or 40 yards of it with out any signs of disturbance. 

While Stef took these images above I borrowed his bins to view the bird. A nice graceful giant, I'm not sure  if it was even nicer than the Squacco...

Although I have had Squacco before in the county and several Great White Egrets, to get both of these rare herons within the week, made this definately one to remember. 

Not to be left aside, as we wandered back to the road, 16 Waxwings flew low overhead, calling...  


  1. It made for a cracking day! It did fly off and settled in the marsh viewable from Denwick bridge towards the castle later on. A bit more typical views in dense vegetation.

  2. I saw these in North Africa and in the Carmargue too I think. Lovely pictures: thanks to your friend for sharing them.
