
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Ticky tick peu...

was the cry....

This morning I walked Bunty down to the Bathing House on the coast. A few Meadow Pipits were coming out of roost and flying north, while 10 Swallows soon joined them. On my way back to the car, the above call drifted into my ears from overhead - Lapland Bunting. It was easy to get onto against the cloudy sky and to my suprise it was heading north?

To Low Newton no doubt....

A new one for the OFFH List...Nice.


  1. Well done on the Lap Stewart,

    I'm off to get mine on a Vismig watch from Sandy Pinnacle tomorrow!
    (with a lot of luck!)
    Now that would be a coupe!

    Have you ever looked at for up-to-date Vismig counts- it's a really good resource......

  2. Anonymous5:24 am

    I knew what was coming as soon as i saw the title. Now, one over my way would be very welcome.

  3. Cheers lads, these are great viz mig birds, I hope you are both successful.

    Gary - Phew! I thought I had gone deaf!!
