
Friday, August 27, 2010

Twenty Plume Moth

Pale Mottled Willow

A slower night on Wednesday due to the clear cool weather. 140 moths of 27 sp with the Pale Mottled Willow being the highlight, a new species for me. The Twenty Plume was in our kitchen. I've had a few of them this year but none to photograph so this one was more obliging its just a pity about the flash.

On the way to and from work this week I've noticed a Little Egret on the Coquet Estuary between Warkworth and Amble on three occasions. Its funny, I didnt even stop the car. Twenty years back and the car would have been abandoned with the doors left open while we scrabbled for a look!

Another real autumn sign this week. A Robin has started its melancholy song in the garden. Oh dear...

Never mind, the Bank Holiday is here so I have 4 days off!


  1. I've done exactly the same with the little egret at the weir, nevermind 20 years ago, ten years ago and the car would've been stopped!

  2. Yup heard a robin singing today and thought ...whare has that summer gone?
