
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

World Cup? I prefer Subbuteo....

Sorry about the dearth of posts on here lately. No excuses, I simply havent got time. Its the moths that do it. By the time I get in and photograph stuff from the night before, or go for a walk, I often dont get indoors until 9pm...anyway, I'll try and keep up.

Last night at 7.20pm we were in the garden having a glass of wine and enjoying the warmest evening of the summer so far when I thought I would do some gardening. No sooner had I started then the familiar mobbing tones of Swallows and Starlings alerted me to a predator in the area.

Often at this time a male Sparrowhawk visits to take a last meal for its young in the woods, so I took a step back to scan for it. Not a binocular or camera in sight.

After only a minute, imagine my face when an adult HOBBY appeared from the copse next to our garden, in lazy flapping flight , moving south. In the low evening sun the bird was lit beautifully from the side, illuminating the white cheek patches and rusty 'trousers'.

What a fantastic garden addition of a bird quite rare in Northumberland. Its years since I had one in the county.

Later, a walk to the pond had my first Swifts of the year with 5 moving south. Hobby and Swift first year occurrences on the same evening, coincidence perhaps?

At 10.45pm the Barn Owl was hunting the back field showing against the light sky from the kitchen.

Big catch of moths last night. Latest estimate, 200 of 50 species. Confirmation tomorrow with pics...


  1. Nice one Stewart! I bet you finished the bottle!

  2. Anonymous5:15 am

    Great record and a great sketch to accompany it, Stewart.

  3. I was wondering why I'd not seen swifts this year, Stewart - they must be just arriving? Great for you to see a Hobby - it's not a bird I've ever seen but I hope to when I go to stay in Suffolk later this year - I think they're seen at Lakenheath Fen. Thanks for comments on my moths - most of what I caught the other night weren't in the trap but around it or on the shed door or fence.

  4. I'm sure I saw a Hobby above the garden earlier in the week. House martins and Swallows were alarming but the bird flew into the sun and I couldn't see where it got to. I rushed into the house for my binoculars but everything was quiet again when I came out.

  5. Fantastic bird on the garden list ! Better than twitching eh !

  6. How amazing, Swift at 132 on the list!
