
Sunday, May 09, 2010

Stay at Home...

Although the wind was a cold northerly, the sun was nice and warm in sheltered places, hence most of the day was spent in the garden.

First thing though I popped along the road to do an atlas square at Longhoughton, where the cemetary full of cowsplips was probably the most interesting thing seen.

Back home I spent some time making a couple of veggie beds right in the middle of our lawn. I'll show some 'finished' pics after they have been planted, but you can see from the back one what they will be like...

This Robin gathering food for young kept me company...

Later, a wander around the back field with Bunty gave some scenic photo ops to a background of Kittiwake calls.

Who knows, one day there might be some birding to be done. If this wind swings around...


  1. Love the cemetery pic - it looks like a nice place to wind up in! The middle of the lawn is the best place for veggies; they get full sun and are handy for tending. What will you plant? Unfortunately for us, they are also handy for the deer to snack on. :-(

  2. Robins haven't been seen in our garden for a while now despite the food, we did get a Goldfinch yesterday which is a first.

  3. Wilma - I hope the veg does well. I think we will have trouble with pigeons eating everything...

    Emma - Robins will return in December with the first snow fall... :)
