
Saturday, April 17, 2010

One Swallow doesnt make a summer....

...but 3 does. Get in! Our village Swallows are back and onto my list. We saw them last night hawking above the paddock from our garden. Another OFFH list first last night was a Barn Owl that flew along the back field at dusk and over our neighbours house, to hunt. A two tick day, not bad.....

Last nights Garden Moth Survey was quite good, being mild and calm but clear....

Diurnea Fagella 3
Agonopterix heracliana 1
Shoulder Stripe 3
Water Carpet 3, first for the year. Our local Robins like these...oops.
Brindled Pug 1 a new species for me.
Double striped Pug 2 new for the garden
Early Thorn 3
Red Chestnut 2
Small Quaker 1
Powdered Quaker 3
Common Quaker 25
Clouded Drab 26
Hebrew Character 40
Chestnut 4

A total of 117 moths of 14 species.

Top Left, Double striped Pug, Top right, Brindled Pug, Bottom Left Shoulder Stripes, Bottom Right, Water Carpet.

OFFH List 114


  1. A really good catch. I still haven't had Shoulder Stripe, but then again it's a woodland species........and I've got no woods!

  2. Anonymous6:00 am

    A good haul there Stewart, considering the clear conditions.

  3. Another super catch, Stewart. I've not bought my noth trap yet but still plan to do so.

  4. A very good haul Stew and some fine pics. Like Emma I'm mulling over buying a moth trap at present.

  5. Yep! Summer is trying to get in ! it sure felt like it today.
    Enjoy the Swallows Stewart!

    PS I think I fond another Greenlander today :-)

  6. Matt - Woods about 300 yds away.
    Emma - Go for it, its a whol new hobby out there!
    Nigel - You too!
    Warren - Wheatears are as rare as rocking horse do here this year...
