
Monday, January 04, 2010

Last day before work. It was freezing still but bright and calm. Most of my day was spent on chores before the dreaded day tomorrow but one or two things showed.

This morning 7 Fieldfares and 9 Redwings had joined several hundred Skylarks in the back rape field. Two Woodcocks flushed from the garden copse by I'm not sure what?

At dusk, 4pm, I waited in our porch overlooking the outhouse for Wren activity. The Ravens arrived from the north again as per usual and a Woodcock flew out from the copse presumably to feed. It headed down to the shore, which is quite strange, but I wonder if they eat sandhoppers under seaweed?

Between 4.07pm and 4.20pm 9 Wrens popped straight into their roost without much hesitation. I thought there would be more? Due to work I'll probably miss them tomorrow but I'll keep looking when I can.

That outhouse must be comfy, what with Swallows and Wasps nesting in summer and now Wrens roosting...


  1. keep an eye on those wrens stewart, it'll be interesting to see if they can survive this weather. :-(

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