
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Not too bad a day though Breezy with a SW5 whipping sand up off the beach.

As it is quite a while since Boulmer Birder has actually been to Boulmer I headed off there this morning for a short walk around Seaton Point. The tide was dropping back as 180 Golden Plover flew south over the rocky skeers. On the shore, 32 Dulnin, 10 Sanderling 1 Bar tailed Godwit and 2 Grey Plovers still showing signs of summer plumage.

On the return, a nice female Merlin was sat on a fence post quite close, until it was flushed by the molecatcher and his dog.

As I was saying about late migration yesterday, I watched 2 Blackbirds come in from high to the east over the sea then the shore before pitching into some bushes on the front. Maybe there's still time for that Siberian Accentor...

Back home a walk along the lane to the pond field had 5 Redpolls, 3 Siskins and 6 Bullfinches still in the Rowans and birches near the main road. The male Bullies looked very nice against the berries...

Moth catching became a case of Trap versus Spar shop and guess which one won!

Moth Trap -

December Moth 2.

Spar shop Light and window -

December moth 1
Angle Shades 1
Mottled Umber 2

I have just put an order in for a new Robinson Trap so I'll be well prepared for the 2010 season...


  1. Anonymous8:07 pm

    Nice watercolour, Stewart.
    Good luck with the Robinson, for next year.

  2. Great sketch this one Stewart. I like the good colour harmony.

  3. Siskins are still on my to see list....cracking drawings

  4. Ta for the comments all, Michelle I have added Siskin tips to your blog...

  5. Beautiful Bullfinch sketch, Stewart. Sadly, it's one bird that doesn't visit my garden. A pity really because it would finish off a very nice collection of garden visitors.
