
Saturday, November 07, 2009

Almost Winter...

In Natural History terms I feel that winter has arrived by about mid November (15th) and will stay with us until Valentines Day. By then frogs will be spawning, the birds will be singing, the snowdrops will be flowering and the days are getting longer.

But back to today. The last week of autumn.

A lovely crisp sunny morning, calm with a touch of frost in the shade. Bunty had me up and out by 7.30am but it was worth it on such a nice day. We walked up the village wood to the hall car park and back. Of note were -

Bullfinch 6+ scattered along the route.
Siskin 10+
Redwing 1
Buzzard 3
Jay 1+
Goldcrest 1
Treecreeper 1
Pink footed Goose 80 S
Greylag approx 50 S

That was about it really until dusk (4.45pm!) when a distant trumpeting put me on alert until 30 Whooper Swans flew low S over our village, viewed from the garden.

I have the moth trap on for the second time in November. The other night it was on was my first blank session, but it was very clear and cool so lets see if I can do better this time...


  1. Anonymous7:35 pm

    It does feel like winter is fast approaching. It`s been noticably colder this last week.

    Good luck with the mothing tonight, Stewart.

  2. Certainly is very damp in Redesdale. I love the Hen Harrier drawings in your side panel, Stewart. I sometimes wardended the local nesting pair last year and the year before and had a great view of a male bird this spring. Your picture brings back good memories.

  3. I love your page header photo really nice. It's definately winter in Ashington haven't had much chance to bird recently but did notice an increse of Great Tits in the garden on Friday all waiting for my apple and seed mix. A great delight
