
Friday, October 23, 2009

It came from the East...

After my prediction of some birds arriving this week I took Thursday morning off and checked the coast from home to Howick Burn. And saw 1 Blackcap and 1 Kingfisher. Thats it. Hardly a thrush to be had. I also saw the only Goldcrest in Northumberland, but no Firecrests ( they are all at Newton).

So, imagine the shock last night at 10pm when the pager gave a shrill MEGA alert tone and I find that a first for Britain is about an hour away down the road. Problem was, I had to be at Newcastle today for an exam and there was no way out ( short of suicide).

Luckily I got through the exam and away by 2.30pm so it was straight off down to South Shields where the Eastern Crowned Warbler was showing very nicely indeed. What a bird too, quite an unusual phyllosc doing Red eyed Vireo impersonations as it clambered around the small scrubby area in Trow Quarry in front of 120+ visitors who had driven many miles for a meet and greet.

The twitch was even shown on BBC News tonight at 6pm!

So here it is -

Notes from me, photo from Ian Fisher...

A Brit Tick after a couple in China last spring, this takes me up to 392...
Oh, its a shame but a nice little Yellow browed Warbler in the same trees was hardly looked at. Two nice birds!


  1. Anonymous5:57 am

    Glad you managed to get it, Stewart. Especially after what you told me, during the morning.
    Excellent sketch in the notebook. Well done, mate.

  2. Nice one Stewart, you have captured the jiz and the feel perfectly, I think the Yellow Browed added greatly to the scene, I was dissapointed to later hear of a Little Owl sitting nearby, which I missed.

  3. Mine was a rushed visit and I must admit I wasn't looking for the Yellow browed. The Goldcrests appear to have landed in Morpeth with dozens in the Borough woods.
    Nice sketch Stew, I was talking to IF...I wonder if he will sell me one of his pics?

  4. Glad you got out and found the bird in the end Stewart. The big 400 looms!

  5. Your old notebooks must be a delight to browse. Nice one!

  6. Ta for the comments all.
    Gavin - I hear you are taking an expedition to the bleak north...

    Warren - Worth leaving the patch for? 400 should be in the bag in about 2013 at this pace...

    Dean - Panic over after the stress of Friday. I bet I fail my exam!

  7. I saw this on the news: fascinating. Lovely sketch in your note book, Stewart, with all the atmosphere and excitement. I am also pleased to see the moth count continuing into the autumn. I have saved up enough for a moth trap so will be thinking about a purchase during the winter.

  8. Hi Stewart. I wish! Sadly, no - a bit too far for me. :o(

  9. Tom McKinney9:50 pm

    Stewart, beautiful notebook! Was I sat next to you on the top of the quarry as you were painting it? From about 3pm to 5pm ish?

  10. Tom - No I was down on the ground floor. I saw the chap up top with the sketch book though. I have no idea who he is?

  11. what a stunning notebook! seening yours makes me wish i kept upto mine!
