
Saturday, June 20, 2009

At about 7pm it was a nice warm sunny evening after the heavy showers down in Morpeth this afternoon so we took Bunty along to the coast path. We were gazing at the nice calm sea when a swirl on the water not far out caught my eye. We were then treated to a great display of acrobatics from at least 4 Bottle nosed Dolphins.

They were larking around, sometimes loafing on the top but for a few minutes they were cart wheeling in the air, just like Flipper! After about 15 minutes they slowly moved further offshore and became more submerged so we left them to it.

Back home the Wasps are still active in my boot and in the same room, the Swallow now has 5 young sticking their heads out along the nest edge. The wildlife is slowly pushing us out of house and home...


  1. Anonymous9:46 pm

    It`s a pity you can`t magic the Swallows into Bee-eaters, Stewart.

    Envious of your Dolphin sighting. Only ever seen Bottle-nosed once, and that was along the coast of Wales.

  2. What a wonderful sight those Dolphins must have been. Then on returning home to have baby swallows and wasps in a boot. What more could one ask for, lol. Wonderful stuff.

  3. Dean - Good one, I never thought of that. I dig some holes in the wall...

    OC - Dolphins and Swallows yes, Wasps no..
