
Thursday, May 28, 2009

A sad ending....

I didn't mention this on last nights post because it was a bit upsetting....

Yesterday morning Jane went off to walk Bunty as usual as I was getting ready for work. When she returned, earlier than normal, I knew something was up. She had found a Badger on the road that had been hit by a car and badly injured.

I got ready quickly and dug out our old dog cage and blankets threw them in the car and drove around to the spot where an adult, quite old looking, Badger was lying near the verge. It lifted its head to look around but was in great difficulty. There were no visible signs of injury but it couldn't walk.

As I stopped and put the hazards on, a lorry was approaching from behind. The driver stopped and kindly blocked the road and gave me a hand. We soon lifted the animal into the cage and onto a soft blanket. It was huge heavy adult and it filled the cage. I placed it in the car and went home to ring the vet at Alnwick who was put on stand by to await our arrival.

Alnwick is about 4 miles from here though and the Badger was having difficulty in breathing.

We got as far as Denwick, about two thirds of the way, when the poor Badger started to cry like a baby in the back. Unfortunately it soon went silent...

On arrival at the vets I ran to get the cage but was too late, the Badger was still and silent.

'It was probably internal injuries' the vet said as he handed me the empty cage...

I hope the driver of that car is happy with themselves after the hit and run. I get sick of people driving too fast on the country lanes...


  1. Such an awful tale, Stewart - you did wonderfully well to help as much as you could. I quite agree with you concerning fast drivers - it's sad to reflect that the only time most of us see a badger is when one has been run down and killed. There was a group of two or three young badgers one night beside the bridge over the River Rede in Otterburn - certainly one of them was dead the next day, and I think another later in the week.

  2. Anonymous1:25 am

    I share your grief, Stewart, and praise your efforts. Why are people in such a damned hurry? The lanes around here (on the IoW)are teeming with baby bunnies at the moment..and idiots driving too fast. Most do not need to be driving at all.
    (I have only ever seen a badger dead beside the road.)

  3. As others have said, you did your best, like any decent person would. A sad story.

  4. Bad crack Stew.

    At least you tried your best, thats all we can do at the end of the day.

  5. Bad crack Stew.

    At least you tried your best, thats all we can do at the end of the day.

  6. yea, tell me about about it Stewart. The lane I live on always has dead animals/birds on it, especially this time of year.

    Everyone I speak to says..''Oh isn't it awful'' but they still speed down the lane!

  7. A really sad and upsetting day for you, you did a wonderful thing and did as much as you could. I have never seen a badger apart from wildlife programs and if people just think ..and slow down then these wonderful creatures would stand a much better chance.
    My thoughts are with you.

  8. You did your best and I bet it was upsetting.
    But a word of caution. An injured badger (as with any animal) can be extremely dangerous and should be approached with great caution.

  9. It broke my heart to hear this story. Thank goodness there were people like yourselves there to try and help.
