
Thursday, March 05, 2009

A lunchtime walk along the river at Bedlington today from the Bank Top. No bins or camera, just me with eyes and ears. Highlights were 7 Waxwings calling as they flew west upstream low overhead, 2 Bullfinch, 1 Treecreeper, 3 Nuthatch, 2 Siskins and a Grey Wagtail. There was a large clump of Winter Heliotrope in flower, the first flowering Butterbur and loads of green crowns of Arum Leaves...


  1. I was along the Scotch Gill Woods at lunchtime and expected butterbur to be flowering but it wasn't - maybe the floods have made it late? Nice pair od displaying marsh tit and 7 nuthatches there.

  2. No Bins, no camera. Brave man ! I always feel somethings missing when i'm out with no optics.
